
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Compelled by the Love of Christ! - September 1st, 2011

For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
History and Context:
Corinth was a city on the main trade route between Asia and western Europe, and Paul had spent two years there establishing the church. Paul wrote the first letter to the Corinthians in order to address division and immorality in the church. After that letter he had an opportunity to visit the church. Apparently the visit was a difficult one for both Paul and the members of the church and afterwards Paul talks about writing a letter in "much anguish" (ch 2). Though this letter is only the second letter to the Corinthians which we have, it seems that Paul wrote at least four seperate letters and that this is the fourth. This is his follow up after the difficult visit and the letter of 'tears'.
This passage comes before the passage discussed on August 13th.

The Text:
As mentioned above, Paul had a long history with the Corinthians. In this passage Paul is talking about hi motivation when he speaks to them and ministers to them; also his general motivation in live. He says that it is his love for Christ that 'compels' him to do what he does. He also concludes that the point of Christ's death was to bring life so that we could live for Him. We no longer should be living selfish lives, but we should be living for Christ, for the one who died and rose again. We should give our lives to the one who gave His life.

The Challenge:
Check your motives. Is the love of Christ compelling you in your day to day life? Are you living for yourself or for Christ? What can you do to live more for Him? He gave His life for you and would like you to live your life for Him.

The Prayer:
Lord, I want to be compelled by your love in my daily life. Let me experience your love to the point that I can't help but show this love towards others. Help me to remember to live every moment for you. I love you Lord! In Jesus' name, Amen!

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