“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:32-34
How easy it is for a man to desire all manner of things from the Lord and yet not desire the Lord Himself! As though the gift could be sweeter than the Giver!
St. Augustine
History and Context:
The verse from Matthew is from the end of Jesus' famous sermon on the mount. It is right after He talks about how God feeds the sparrows and clothes the lilies, how much more will he feed and clothe you! Then He sums it all up with this. "Seek first the kingdom of heaven..."
The quote from St. Augustine is actually from On Prayer and the Contemplative Life
by St Thomas Aquinas. He quoted St. Augustine who was talking about how Christians will constantly seek God to save them from poverty, temporal happiness, or bodily health but they rarely seem to seek God for God Himself.
The Text:
Both the verse and the quote say the same thing. Instead of constantly seeking for help, we should seek God. We could also say, instead of seeking always for a Savior, we should seek a Father and a Lord. God made a promise, that He will personally make sure we are provided for. But he desires us to seek Him and to seek His kingdom. What is His kingdom? It's His will, His plan for this earth. "Seek first the kingdom of heaven..." seek first the plan and will of God for this earth.
The Challenge:
What are you seeking after? Are you one that finds yourself always asking God for something? When was the last time you volunteered to do something for God? When was the last time you sought God to find out what He wants? The challenge is for you to do that today. Take some time today and ask God, "Lord what do you want me to do today?" Then do what He says!
The Prayer:
Lord, I do want to know what you want for me to do today. I'm sorry for all the times I have been selfish in my relationship with you. I'm sorry for all the times that I have sought only after my own wants and desires. And I thank you for all that you have provided for me and done for me. But today I want to help you fulfill your desire and your will on this earth. Direct me on how I can help establish your kingdom everywhere that I go today. I love you Lord! Amen!
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