Friday, June 19, 2015

Where is Your Trust?

Where do you place your trust?

It is easy to say that we trust in God but sometimes our actions tell a different story. James said:

Show me your faith without your works and I will show you my faith by my works.
James 2:18b

Our "works", our actions, are evidence as to where our faith is. How we act will show where our trust truly lies. So do your actions show that you have placed your trust in the Lord?

What is your first response when you start to feel sick?

What do you do when you run into financial difficulty?

What happens if your plans don't work out the way you thought they would?

It's easy, and normal, to get discouraged in these situations, however we need to remind ourselves that God is trustworthy. Rather than running immediately to the doctor, the financial planner, or seeking out overtime we should be starting in prayer. It is very possible that through prayer God will lead us to those things but we trust them only because we trust God in them. That is an important distinction to make. There is nothing wrong with doctors, financial planners, or overtime but if we say that our trust is in the Lord we should show it by seeking him first in these situations. 

In this verse David states specifically that "we will remember the name of the Lord our God." The Bible shows us many names of the Lord. By understanding His names we can understand his nature and increase our ability to truly trust in Him. I discussed the names of the Lord in detail in my post Call On the Name of the Lord! 

By knowing God as Jehovah Jireh we can trust him to provide in our time of need.

By knowing God as Jehovah Rapha we can trust when we start to see symptoms of sickness attack our body.

By knowing God as Jehovah Nissi we can trust him in our times of greatest battle.

By knowing God as Jehovah Mekoddishkem we can trust Him to make us holy even in the midst of our sin.

By knowing God as Jehovah Shalom we can trust Him to bring peace in our times of turmoil.

It is through His name that we get to know His character and His power in our lives. That is why the Bible says that His name is a strong tower (Proverbs 18:10) and that if we call on His name we shall be saved (Romans 10:13).

So where have you placed your trust? Will you "remember the name of the Lord our God?"

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